How Twitter helps your professional development

Responding to the above request, friends on Twitter kindly contributed the following replies:

Twitter gives me instant access 2 diverse group of v interestin minds blogs opinions.learn more here than anywhere else. @DoBeLou

I find links to new areas of research, refine thoughts / ideas, develop resources through sharing on here -v valuable
I also think that it keeps its users open minded which doesn’t always happen when attending the same discussions with 1/2
. . . the same people #shsmt “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it’s not open.” – Frank Zappa!!!!! @Joga5

Helps me connect 2 others, share ideas, find new links/resources, poll questions, collab on projects, org f2f like TeachMeet @damoward

A constant source of ideas, inspiration and support. The best CPD I have ever come across. @dwsm

It’s helped me to discover a lot of tools, techniques and resources that I wouldn’t have known about. @geoffowen

Twitter is like a vast staff room full of helpful, inspiring and creative people. Open 24/7 @dughall

Twitter gives the best CPD out there and its free but make them read to avoid pitfalls @paulhaigh

Twitter keeps teachers in touch with others, with ed. developments, with new ideas, hunts out interesting resources @sccenglish

I’ve learned more from twitter than any other PD. Educators worldwide share and give and help @whatedsaid

I have 600 plus people keeping me informed about what’s going on, and with whom I can have prof discussion – when I want to @didactylos

Twitter and my pln has taught me more in last 6 months than previous 6 years of traditional prof dev @henrietteMi

Twitter has given me ideas about student voice, technology and creativity. Added twitter section to teaching magazine @nwatkin

Twitter connects me to educators around the world who are passionate about learning and growing @hadleyjf

Puts me in touch with the latest news in education, and provides ideas and conversation with colleagues real and virtual
Twitter also lets me follow events using #tags and crowd source real data for classroom tasks… living geography @geoblogs