Twitter for taking notes?

Going to try something a little different today.  Going to read a book.  Hey, wait; that’s not the different thing!  No, I’m going to take a few notes as I go – something I regularly do when reading a text to which I might wish to refer as part of my Masters studies.  Here’s the ‘but’ though; whereas I would normally make those notes in Zotero, which is the application I use for recording citations/references, today I’m going to use Twitter.  The book is Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World by Heidi Hayes Jacobs.


I guess the first question is ‘why would you want to do that?’  Well as far as I’m aware, it’s not something that’s been tried before . . . at least not for a whole book (I’m going to try to read the whole book today) . . . and I do like to explore different things. By using a hashtag (#hhjc21), I can retrieve all the notes later and maybe, just maybe, there might be a comment or two from the good folks of Twitter who might have a question or comment or two.  So there’s a chance at least, that my understanding of what I’m reading could be reshaped by the observations of others . . . and that’s not something you’re likely to get if reading in isolation.

It should be an interesting experience if nothing else and perhaps worthy of a full blog post subsequently – I’ll let you know how it goes.

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