#ukedchat … Storified!

Came across Storify a couple of days ago and as usual with interesting new tools, I’m always looking for authentic situations in which to give them a test drive. A short while before I was about to enjoy last night’s #ukedchat, I wondered whether Storify might have something to offer here. So rather than enter the discussion as I normally might, I decided to try to curate some of the tweets as they appeared, pulling them into Storify. It’s incredibly simply to do … although if you’ve followed #ukedchat, you’ll know it can sometimes be mentally quite demanding trying to keep up with various threads! Still that’s no fault of Storify.

In addition to tweets, you can also pull in from other social networking tools like Facebook, YouTube and Flickr. You can also pull information in from RSS feeds and Google searches and add your own annotations using the text editor.. So I began to think that it might be possible to add depth to the stream of #ukedchat tweets by bringing in additional background or supplementary information. At the close of the session, I had a brief stab and you can see the results below, embedded into this post. Embedding the script seemed to have affected other elements on the page & comments weren’t available (FF & Opera), so have replaced with an image – click here to go to the live Storify stream.


Now how might that look if students, perhaps working in a group were to work on mashing together results from a piece of research or investigation you asked them to do. They could create or collate resources from each of these repositories (assuming filters don’t kick in!), perhaps each taking a different role – image seeker, Google searcher etc. The textual entry sections could be an opportunity for them to articulate the rationale behind their choices or provide supplementary information.

Worth a try?