Category Archives: Musings

Stop – Go

helicopter view
This work has been released into the public domain by its author, Arpingstone (

In a staff workroom the other day, a colleague turned and asked how she could make a traffic light image image on a PowerPoint slide animate between the different colours. Nothing fancy; just to enhance the message she was trying to convey.

Creating a traffic light graphic in PowerPoint took a few moments; the different colours of the individual lights could easily be swapped using different fill colours of course. I then tried to wrangle the animation feature in PowerPoint to produce some sort semblance of the lighting sequence. Oh dear! I spent far longer than I should have … all to no avail. Confident I would have the wherewithall to bend PowerPoint to my will, I’d neglected an alternative and (if I hadn’t been fixated on PowerPoint) blindingly obvious solution – the animated GIF.

Using the graphic I’d already produced, I exported a sequence of four images, each having a different lighting mode, as GIFs. Then a quick search found Picasion, an online GIF maker. The four images were uploaded, a couple of settings were adjusted and voila – an animated GIF available to download, link to or as an embed code, all in a mere few minutes.

gif maker

I guess there’s a lesson to learn there. Since the original request came from the context of PowerPoint, an application I’m  intimate with , I failed to step back and consider other possibilities. I guess there’s a lot to be said for standing back and taking the helicopter view?

GIF(t) or JIF(ffy)?

3-ball cascade movie.gif licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

The debate over the pronunciation of .GIF has raged on pretty much since the file format was developed back in 1987. Is the g soft as in giraffe, or hard as in graphics? I’m not sure it’ll ever be settled , especially given the range of responses in the comments on ‘The GIF Pronunciation Page‘ by Steve Olsen.

But what would happen if we started to run loose with the pronunciation of other file extensions?

There are plenty of file extensions from which to pick. There must be loads of pronunciation changes we could consider, right?

I wonder what Siri thinks …. ?